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Fire Safety Training

Business Presentation


Since the introduction of The Regulatory Reform (Fire safety) Order 2005, businesses now have a legal obligation to ensure that their staff have suitable and comprehensive fire safety training.

At London Fire Associates we understand the importance of proper fire safety training for all staff.  All of our London fire marshal training courses are designed and delivered by industry leading fire safety experts, with most being ex Fire Brigade officers.

Also check out our range of online courses.

Our bespoke workplace fire safety courses and online courses are tailored to meet not only your legal requirements, but your business needs too.  The courses themselves cover everything from fire regulations to fire extinguisher training and lasts approximately 3 hours. You can choose from in person training or our affordable online training courses - see our 'Online training courses' page, with fire safety courses from just £25 fully inclusive. 


​Fire can be devastating in the workplace and most businesses never financially recover from having a serious fire. Ensure you and your staff have the knowledge and understanding to help prevent a fire happening at your place of work.

Who better to give you fire safety training than former London fire brigade officer's with over 25 years experience each.

Yellow jacket showing fire warden on duty. Safety background..jpg
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